7 Things You Did Not Know About Melania Trump

Image By lev radin From Shutterstock

5. First Catholic First Lady 

Since the Kennedys, there have been no other Catholic First Ladies until Melania (now with the Bidens, the list has grown). After the Trumps’ visit to the Vatican, Melania’s spokesperson confirmed that she was in fact Catholic. She has been baptized as a child in Slovenia (then Yugoslavia), but because of the tight communist rule, it was done in secret to avoid scrutiny from the ruling party. It was mostly something that was not paraded around and with how her husband did not put much emphasis on religion during his campaign we can see why Melania chose not to mention her own faith until they visited the Vatican. After all, it’s a private matter and it doesn’t concern others.

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3 thoughts on “7 Things You Did Not Know About Melania Trump”

  1. To me she will always be the FIRST LADY OF AMERICA. She represents AMERICA THE BEAUTY, She is a very beautiful and loving person from head to toe. She speaks softly and with love tones for everyone to hear and enjoy. She’s very elegant ,soft speaking with tender words of love and kindness for all. She is a wonderful human being, mother and a very intelligent person. May GOD and LADY OF FATIMA Bless our FIRST LADY, Melania Trump forever !!!

  2. Nice to read an article of Melainia on a positive note! She is a wonderful role model for society! Now if we can only get the girls out of those raggy jeans that make them look as those the farm work is never done or also look as though they are mechanics women would be respected again! Thank you FIRST LADY MELAINIA for making a difference!

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