15 ”Normal” Things in the U.S. That Weird Out the Rest of the World

While every region of the United States has its own quirks and identity, there are also certain customs that are commonplace nationwide. But while these American traditions might seem normal stateside, they are certainly not universal.

For example, the average American may be used to big tips and even bigger portions, but to foreigners, that’s all far from the norm. Curious about which things are considered freaky by foreigners’ standards?

Here are 15 “normal” customs and habits in the U.S. that weird out the rest of the world!

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4 thoughts on “15 ”Normal” Things in the U.S. That Weird Out the Rest of the World”

  1. Snarky tone. Geesh- us Americans are crap…we should be just like the Europeans0 as if Europe is a monolith—-

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