25 World Records That Will Totally Creep You Out

#5 Longest hiccup attack

What’s the longest hiccup attack you’ve ever had? Is it longer then the world’s record holder? Charles Osborne started hiccuping in 1922 while weighing a hog. It wasn’t until 1990 (68 years later!) that he was able to stop hiccuping. During the first few decades Osborne hiccuped around 40 times per minute. This rate slowed down in later years to 20 hiccups per minute. The hiccups were due to a busted blood vessel which damaged a part of the brain that inhibits the hiccup response.

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2 thoughts on “25 World Records That Will Totally Creep You Out”

  1. Why don’t you have pictures of some of these? Just a statement that something was done is pretty feeble evidence that it actually happened!

    1. I agree, say few words about worlds records, then show 2 small pictures the commercials, commercials, commercials adds, adds, stupid Adds!! Isn’t Bad enough we have to put up with thousands of Commercials on TV! Now we have you guys teasing us with something interesting, then you fricken put on 100 more adds & commercials!!! Are you listening ???

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