50 Bizarre Stories That Haunt Every State

Washington – Steps To Hell, Maltby

For reasons unclear, a tomb of a wealthy family buried in Maltby, Washington decided that said tomb needed an escape route. So, they had a rear exit and steps build into the back. Thirteen steps, to be exact. Which is either a very spooky happenstance, or they knew full well what they were doing and did it on purpose. Either way, if you go to the cemetery at night, descend the 13 steps and turn around, you’ll experience a vision of hell.

Several people have reported going at night, shining a flashlight and not being able to see the bottom when they should, and one person claimed that they went down when they were 16, only to come back up and realize their friends were screaming at them.

According to the stepper, he only went down 6 steps because he started to feel sick. According to his friends, he went down all 13 and disappeared for a time. He said that when he left, he felt hands shoving him out of the darkness. That’s kinda sweet; ghosts pushing you out of possible gateways to hell.

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1 thought on “50 Bizarre Stories That Haunt Every State”

  1. You missed the boat on New Jersey! THE JERSEY DEVIL is most definitely the official haunting creature of the Garden State. Long before NJ was even a state, the legend of the Jersey Devil began. It was the 13th child of Mrs Leeds, who had no desire for another baby. According to legend, she cursed the baby even before it was born. At its birth, the creature assumed otherworldly dimension and flew up the chimney of the home. Since then, the Devil regularly haunts the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, frightening all it encounters. On the eve of a National tragedy, the Devil is said to appear at many varied places in the state to warn of evils to come (most notably in December 1941, just before Pearl Harbor.)

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