1. Crayola Calculator
Crayola’s colored pencils have always been an all-time favorite with kids because they have so many diverse colors, and parents love them because they’re pretty affordable. However, one day they decided to release the Crayola Calculator, which is a yellow and green crayon box that looks exactly the same as the pencils’ one with a flip-up lid on top. Inside the box, under the lid, there is a calculator screen with the markings “auto off” in the top right and the mark of a licensed product. And the interesting fact is that the buttons of the calculator look like the tops of crayons with math symbols and printed numbers on them. Cool, right?
Did any of your kids had one of these calculators?
2. Mc Donald’s Playing Cards
Do you remember that time when McDonald’s released a themed deck of cards? The funny thing about this was the fact that the Queen was holding the burger, so it won’t be misunderstood as, you know, Burger King. Smart marketing, right? Oh, and the King is holding a big portion of French Fries—what a match! Because it was so well received at the time, the franchise is really considering doing another one adapted to today’s times. In fact, they might not have something related to Pokémon sometime in mid-October. It could be a great deal for your grandkids!