20 Hilarious Times People Captured Funny Moments

#10 Oh The Irony

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51 thoughts on “20 Hilarious Times People Captured Funny Moments”

  1. William Smith

    You have a biased sense of humor. Photos are not that funny. You probably turned 63 million people against your article by showing your obvious bia,s with the first photo!

    1. Couldn’t agree more!!!!! It’s awesome to hear some comments from my fellow “deplorables”! It’s time we stand up against this crap guys!!!

      1. Oh, no, not deplorable. I like the word “DESPICABLE”.

        It fits so much better.

        And no, I do not want you polluting any other political party. Stay with your Trumpublican brand the rest of your life. Please.

    2. The question of sense of humor is settled. You don”t have any. That said I have a question for you. If Donald Trump was not the President and did not live in the White House would you count him as among your friends? If your answer is “Yes” I suggest you have a serious problem.

      1. ask that same question about :
        BIDEN–a corrupt pedophilic plagiarizing pos -has not had a single worthwhile idea of his own in 47 years in politics-lied about his schoolastic
        achievements-flies off the handle often-and is part of the worst criminal endeavor in american history–the democrat party-and those are just his good traits-not room enough here to fully describe him–

        1. Description of Hunter’s Painting was released Today. The Beautiful Black Canvas reflects 3 Horizontal White Lines on the LEFT and a Vertical BLUE Straw on the Right. Maybe he had a epiphany or maybe it was just a Day in the Life Moment . Whatever, I am positive it’s worth $500K

    3. Actually, I think the first photo was pretty hilarious! The irony was spot-on! Seems to me that YOU are the biased one. And I don’t believe for one moment that you speak for “63 million people”! But the fact that you seem to believe you do, is also pretty hilarious!

      1. Agree, idiots like to congregate, and one of the favorite places to congregate has been at the Idiot-in-Chief’s MAGA rallies. Hopefully, brains will outnumber them by a huge amount this November.

        1. William A Clemens

          Its amazing how right wing consevative Christians who allegedly follow the 10 Commandments, follow an adulterer, does not attend Church and has no moral compass.

          1. Charles R Reddinger

            I take it you are not a Christian or you would be aware that Joe Biden has no moral compass either as he supports abortion and the 5th commandment is thou shall not kill along with his son’s criminal activities and ties with China, People living in glass houses should not throw stones. God bless you. 2024 is coming but at 81 I God willing won’t be here.

    4. actually the entire joke is skewed that joke line was originally made up years ago and the punchline was attached to
      CONGRESS–and i believe it was written by either will rogers or samuel clemens

    5. that joke line was originally meant to refer to –Congress–and was written by either will rogers or samuel clemens ( mark twain)-
      but like biden my memory fails me–lol-

    6. Agreed. That is why Saturday Night Live is not funny anymore. Once they chose a side, they just became biased and hateful toward the right and coddled and never mocked the left in ANY way, It makes them seem like hateful children instead of professional comedians who know that equal opportunity mocking is the best comedy…

  2. Just going by the name. “No Chew Deterrent” Change it to “Chew Deterrent” and it will work.

  3. Sorry Chump, but we only forwarded the question you Democrats asked US, we didnt ask it ourselves. Next time dont edit the postings.

  4. The Democrats simply dont understand that the warning about stupid people is referencing them, and always has… Amoral people are ignorant by the nature of their birth

  5. It was ONE person—In late January 2018, reports surfaced that supporters of Donald Trump confronted a Native American legislator during an anti-immigration protest at the Arizona state capitol, demanding to know whether he was in the country legally. The viral stories on various web sites (including The Hill and the liberal RawStory.com) were all aggregated from the original reporting of the Arizona Capitol Times, a nonpartisan weekly newspaper focused on Arizona government and state politics.

    We confirmed that one of the anti-immigration protesters did indeed ask an indigenous state representative whether or not he was “legal,” both through video footage of the incident and three corroborating interviews with Arizona state legislators who witnessed the scene. In the background of the following video, a protester asks Rep. Eric Descheenie whether he is “legal.” Descheenie is Navajo. Rep. Pamela Powers Hannley filmed — This was fou nd on snopes

      1. Sameera Thurmond

        …And the reason why you don’t post your photo is because you wouldn’t DARE make a comment like that publicly!!! I have NO doubt that you are a white male and those like you are reason why we keep having protests! You live in a world based on the past. You and others like simply don’t want to change. Life is about change. None of us can stop change even if we wanted to. C’mon evolve a little.

        1. true-it is time to evolve-disband the democrat party –criminalcrats–they burn loot and murder-
          and use antifa as their military wing-

    1. For what it’s worth – Andrew Jackson is Trump’s favorite president, and Trump welcomed the Navajo Wind Talkers to the White House, standing in front of a portrait of Jackson. Can you say “tone deaf”? Jackson is the president who signed the order for The Trail of Teats, and waged brutal war against any First Nations tribe he encountered, killing men, women and children, using savage dogs as well as guns and sabers, as well as destroying crops and homes. He was a slave holder, and helped capture fugitive slaves as well as kidnapping free blacks and shipping them south to be sold. He outlawed abolitionist literature and said abolitionists should be shot on sight, although how he could tell who they were by looking at them was another matter. And when he took office, he fired a full 10% of government workers, many with long and loyal service, to replace them with friends and family members.

      1. So, if the English had not colonized Virginia in 1607, the 5 or 6 million North American indigenous peoples would have been able to spend the last 400 years fighting among themselves, in peace. Or probably, the brutal Spanish conquistadors would have continued their exploration through the continent, murdering, raping, and slave trading.

  6. William Cunningham

    I was living in Korea and Japan before moving to Arizona–and no, I’m not an Asian. One of my Korean friends, Mr. Im, happened to comment one time saying, “You know we think that you all look alike”. When I looked up at him, he had a big grin on his face. We both got a chuckle out of that, me because I know some ignorant Americans believe that of Asians, and him, because he knew we (Americans) sometimes say that. Just lighten up and don’t take yourself and seemingly insensitive Americans too seriously. You’ll live a much happier life. It’s more fun to be politically incorrect occasionally.

  7. william smith— actually the entire joke is skewed that joke line was originally made up years ago and the punchline was attached to
    CONGRESS–and i believe it was written by either will rogers or samuel clemens

    1. You do know, of course, that a group of baboon is commonly called a congress, although according to Webster the term troop is now considered correct. A group of owls is a parliament. Which just goes to show – something.

  8. I believe that the ironic and most stupid thoughts and actions by republicans may never end,
    but absolutely Hope that those of trump supporters will end very soon.

  9. Dottie Stavely

    Doesn’t any one on this sight realize that the Indian people are really the only real legal people in this country. They lived here before any of are ancesters came here and stole all there land and tried to kill all of them. Get a life and get over all of this who’s legal and who’s not……

    1. Number 4 really cracked me up after I saw the whole thing. My first sight was the dog in the buggy and I didn’t think much of it. Then I saw the little kids walking with leashes on. I really let out a laugh. It is too bad that so many of the other comments are politically motivated.

  10. # 1 told me right off about your indoctrination… After seeing “Stupid People in Large Groups”, it immediately brought to mind all of the mindless violence of Antifa (representing real facism) and the Socialist BLM org. in recent years…
    Everyday working people, trying to care for families , have not the time for political gatherings… However, we happen to notice the business-as-usual mindset of the Federal Gov’mt wanting us to shut up and be the sheep… Trump , in his inarticulate and abrasive way , was a refreshing breath of fresh air…

    Of course , there can be stupid people in small groups… ( eg, The Squad )

  11. Use timers to turn lights on and off throughout your house to give the illusion that someone is moving around in the evening.

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