When you need to worry about the vaccine’s side effects.
Even though most side-effects are minor and short-term, it’s still important to look out for certain side effects that might be problematic. According to Dr. Bartlett, “When someone has a severe reaction to the vaccine, such as difficulty breathing or a full-body rash, it is a cause for concern and they should seek medical care immediately.”
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A severe reaction it might mean you’re allergic to the vaccine and the second dose might not be recommended in this case. According to the CDC, 30 anaphylaxis cases have occurred in the United States until now, so you can see they’re not very common, but for those who have a history of severe allergic reactions, it’s important to talk to their doctor before deciding to get the vaccine.
Also, side effects such as numbness, weakness, and lightheadedness shouldn’t be neglected either, Dr. Mordkin explained. If you’re experiencing the common side effects mentioned above, take the day off, drink a lot of water and take Tylenol and ibuprofen to stop the pain.
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