Major Update Made By Pfizer’s CEO Regarding the Vaccine Rollout

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Either you like it or not, the only way to keep COVID at bay is by getting vaccinated. The more people get vaccinated, the better it will be, experts say. But I understand that vaccination is a sensitive topic and it’s totally up to you if you decide to get immunized or not.

The vaccine has brought a lot of hope in the United States at the end of the year, but the rollout has already proven to be problematic, as some states are already running out of doses.

What’s even more concerning is that Rochelle Walensky, MD, and the new director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) mentioned in a statement that not even the Government knows how much vaccine is in our country at the moment, which makes it almost impossible to plan its distribution and administration equally.

RELATED POST: The Updated Vaccine Guidelines, According to the CDC.

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39 thoughts on “Major Update Made By Pfizer’s CEO Regarding the Vaccine Rollout”


    1. Are you kidding me??? Trump screwed up this whole distribution process and now the new administration has to try to “fix” this mess he left. Trump dumped the whole thing on the states when it should have been administered by either the CDC or the military. One entity overseeing it all, and it would have been organized and not so haphazard and politically motivated.

      1. You must be a died in the wool Democrat. Look but don’t see because of years of hoping the Dem’s were going to do something besides taxation. You are probably a New Yorker.

      2. Hahahaha. Not a fan of either of these administrations, but let’s get couple minor facts straight. Operation Warp speed to create the vaccine under Trump administration. Vaccine approval announced day AFTER election. Vaccines begin to be distributed late November and December as a few doses become available. Rollout has been under Biden administration. Again, this is about vaccines, not masks or tests.


        I totally agree with Linda. The magnitude of this COVID is astronomical. Remember that Trump closed the department that deals with epidemics/ pandemics a year or so before COVID came to the USA>

        1. You might want to get your facts straight first before making broad statements. Not that I am a Trump fan, but he did not eliminate the personnel that were in that group they were reduced in size and moved to another group to continue the work under the GHO, quote from Bolton. “Claims that streamlining NSC structures impaired our nation’s bio defense are false,”

      4. Wow! And your solution is better to let the Gov give it out, are you kidding me, Trump got it started and
        Biden wants to take the credit for it

      5. YOU ARE A DUMB DEMOCRAT…you ignorant people blame everything on Trump. He did more for our country than any president ever has
        I do not believe this election was fair…surely that many of our citizens are not that stupid!!!
        the new president has already ruined a lot for our country.

        1. Herb Greenebaum

          Perfect remark for a Karen. You have it backward: the ignorant people are the ones still supporting tRump. There was no election fraud and you are just regurgitating more right wing nonsense.

          1. Herb You don”t even know how to spell Trump the right way sooo you must be a real SMART DEMOCRAT

      6. Linda if you weren’t so hell bent on hatingTrump you would know that the states are exactly where the vaccine distribution belongs. The damn government and the CDC ruin everything they get their hands on. And Biden doesn’t know where he is or why he’s there (watch the videos) so how in hell do you expect him to do anything about distributing the vaccine. This administration is so inept at everything they do. Not one of them belongs in the positions they were elected to. Harris is totally uninformed on everything. You better start finding your political facts somewhere other than CNN, Hollywood actors or MSNBC. Not one press conference from. Identify in 43 days so far. How long are you going to back these idiots.

      7. Trump did have everything lined up for distribution with the military but But bone head didn’t come out of the basement in time to follow the plan

      8. You better be careful when you want the federal government to do anything constructive. Military or not! It’s bad enough that the whatever’s in DC are trying to control what we eat how we or if we travel and how we worship. I guess if we don’t put the government before God, then it’s concentration camps. Ask the chinese

      9. Linda Rosenstein

        Linda Bender, hi! Yes I too believe DJT is a master at mucking up everything concerning the pandemic. He claimed it was of little concern, let it spread like wildfire, had NO FEDERAL plan, or organization, to deal with it all. He disregarded previous federal plans to manage a possible pandemic size event. He kept minimizing the pandemic, said we’all should use bleach internally … he said it was up to the states to manage. I have read reports on how, through convoluted financial mechanisms made millions on PPE’s of all kinds, kept the supplies low deliberately. Told us we really did not have to wear masks or abide by what the scientists and medical experts advised.
        The lists are LONG and TRAGIC re: the amount of deaths & suffering.
        I have to cut this short. Bye for now

      10. talk about screw ups that started the day joe biden took over the job you must be deaf dumb and blind not to see that this country is a total mess now open your eyes see and hear what is really going on

    2. Over 500,000 dead and Trump said it was all a hoax. Anyone who believes in that moron needs
      a lobotomy and you are definitely one of them. His errand boy Cohen got three years. How many
      years do you think he and his traitorous family will get once they are indicted and sentenced in NY?
      I hop the family likes orange jumpsuits, for that’s the standard issue in NY State prisons.

      1. What an idiotic statement. If you even did a small amount of reading on the subject, you would know that President Trump called the number of deaths a hoax because the number is grossly inflated. The actual number of deaths from COVID 19 is far less than the 500, 000 people who actually died from the virus.

      2. Your problem is you watch and believe everything you hear on CNN, CBS, NBC on and on. The 500,000 deaths are nothing more than another lie told by the Dem’s. They also took the yearly Flu totals for the year and moved those over to the Covid-19 results. It was Trump who placed a rush on getting us the vaccine at record time. Biden is the Moron Puppet Boy and Obama is yanking his strings to make him dance to the Democratic Band Wagon. Keep watch your Democratic Clowns and soon you’ll see that they will drive this Country right into the Ground. Why do you think Gas prices are climbing like a Rocket because Biden killed the Canada/US Oil Pipeline. Then there are the Trillions of Dollars that the Democrats are passing for the Covid relief where 80% of it is going overseas for other then the Virus. Only to be Laundered and over half of it to be returned to the US to line the Dem’s pockets. They have been going it for decades under our noises by stealing our Tax Dollars. They are the Corrupted DC Swamp scum that still needs to be drained for the scum floating on top and the Deep State Scum laying down below.

    3. Trump had the option to reserve millions of doses ahead of time but he refused so it was sold to other’s countries Thank you orange bafoon Put the blame where it belongs and to a little research before you make these ignorant statements

    4. If trump was so great why weren’t ANY vaccines distributed while he was in office???? He did nothing to get them out to people. People were dying and he was out playing golf. Get real. And Phizer and Moderna were not in trump’s Warp Speed group. They were working on their own without govt. money.

      1. The vaccine was being distributed at least by the end of December. I know because my husband and I received our 1st dose December 30, 2020 and we received our 2nd dose on January 28, 2021.
        So you need to get your facts straight before you speak…

    5. Stephanie Collins

      It seems to me that you’ve got your buffoons mixed up? Maybe you got the astra zenica injection. Mr Trump had more then distribution issues!

  2. Trump denied over 200000vacines said it was a hoax would disappear in the spring wasn’t so bad and so far has expressed any remorse
    fo th over 500000 deaths. At least biden has expressed grief really you really want rump back. So sik

    1. Trump never stated that the Virus was a hoax. It was CNN who published that lied and claimed that Trump said it was a hoax. President Trump barred China’s from entering the US as soon as the Virus was causing problems. That was in the beginning of March of 2020. So why would he call it a hoax only to stop the China’s from bringing there Virus here to the US. It was Biden who complaint that Trump was placing entry mandates on China saying that President Trump was being too Sinapobic and paranoid about the Virus and it was Nancy Palosy who said go to China Town in NY and do anywhere you like for the Virus is hyped up. CNN and the rest of the Fake NEWS always twist things around and blame the Republicans for what the Dems are guilty for. You watch and believe everything that you see on the Fake News TV. That’s why the Left Love People like you for your so easy to brain wash because your all as stupid and Brainless as you fearless leader Biden. He reads off of Cue Cards and you rattle off all of the Fake News that you place as evidence without getting the Facts. They claim that Trump said this and that’s but you never see him saying it on video you only see the News commentator spilling out more propaganda and lies.

  3. In the United States many things by law are to be handled by the States. Trump followed the law, this time.

  4. F.S.R HI! Iam 65 an over. Been IND. Dem. Rep. Voted Republican. Now after this whole Satanic Election. Iam Now Devote OneGod believer. Trump was shafted by his own Party. He is no Doctor.. He went by the lies he was feed. DUMB!!!. If not for COVID he would president. Fact is DEM. OLD swamp REP. wanted him gone. They were united for suuuuur. Now we get to eat the after birth o the new socialism REFORM BABBY. very sorry the world. But Hell Has froze over and here we stand.

  5. No one is perfect. We need to stop pointing fingers, and learn from our mistakes to move on. Trump stumbled onto the greatest accomplishment in scientific history. The medical community used the years of accumulated knowledge in vaccine research, combined it with the recent technological advances to produce some of the most effective vaccine in record time without sacrificing safety protocols.
    Trump was not aware of the significance and failed to capitalize on his good fortune. He failed to keep abreast of its development. Instead of stressing on the solution to a deadly pandemic, he tried to down play the seriousness of the virus. He could have used it to propel him into stardom and win his reelection with ease. Obviously, he had no confidence on the success of the vaccine program. The Star War reference reflects his view. To him, it was just science fiction.

    1. phyllis nurse case manager

      agreed I personally wont take it not wishing to be a lab rat it is not fda approved it is for emergency use only I believe we are reaching herd immunity

  6. All of you Democrats are such Whining, Lying, Unpatriotic Commie Creeps!
    None of you deserve to call yourselves Americans!

  7. I was reading an article from pfizer about their progress on the virus and all the sudden I was switched over to the twi-lite zone and found myself amongst some of the “nutties” who seem to think they have all the answers to all the problems in in this country. I suppose they are the ones who drank bleach or didn’t get fitted with an outlet to plug a cord in to light up the light that was inserted into their butt and they are mad. In any event, keep smiling things will get better and remember Christ was a Jew even though some of you still don’t believe that either.. Ahhh, Life goes on and for some folks it gets harder and harder to live with the truth..

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