The State That’s Currently in a Dangerous Situation, According to Fauci


However, while most states are in a good situation right now regarding the virus, the recent improvement has also highlighted certain areas of the country where the COVID-19 situation is not so great. One state, in particular, could be in a potentially dangerous situation at the moment, according to White House COVID adviser, Anthony Fauci.

Fauci made an appearance on Fox News Sunday where he talked about the one state that’s currently in a dangerous situation that could contribute to another surge. Fauci was referring to the state of Texas, but you have to read on to find out why he’s particularly worried about this one state.

Additionally, there are also 10 other states that are seeing surges in the number of cases right now, so read on to find out more details about that as well!

Make sure to also check: This Covid Guideline Is About To Change, According To The CDC.

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3 thoughts on “The State That’s Currently in a Dangerous Situation, According to Fauci”

  1. Oh..Not that because the Biden’s administration is pouring illegals with COVID into Texas. it’s almost like they’re purposely trying to infect the locals….hummm

    1. Mary Alice Carlson

      I agree. The Biden Administration is letting all the illegals come across with the virus and blaming it on the Texas Governor and his easement of restrictions!! Come on!! And, of course, if there’s an up tick they’ll blame it on Trump as well.

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