9 World Leaders Have Spoken: “I Think Trump Is…”

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Called Trump A Dotard

Trump took to mocking North Korean leader Kim Jon-un during a speech at the United Nations General Assembly in September 2017. The president followed that up by saying he would “totally destroy” North Korea.

Jong-un verbally hit back by calling Trump a “mentally deranged US dotard.”

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11 thoughts on “9 World Leaders Have Spoken: “I Think Trump Is…””

  1. james o pentheny

    I believe the man’s completely off his rocker,and those who follow his absurdities are lacking in the basic understanding of truthful logic .

  2. Edgar Phillips

    Prime Minister Abe of Japan most the others were a bit jealous or afraid of President Trump.

  3. James Fineron

    Now we know that most of the world thinks Trump is an idiot. Why then do so many Americans defend him? I warned people not to vote for him years ago.

    1. and as time has shown-you and those 9 a-hos werestupid then and you are even more so now–
      take a look at what idiocracy looks like–america is coming part at the seams-and the democrats have sold us out to communism-

  4. I voted against him twice. But the wall might have some merit. Not because of dangerous, criminal Hispanics crossing the border. I don’t think they are.
    But because as a nation, the population has more than doubled in the last 50 years, and we are running out of water in many parts of the country.

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