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People Should Be Wary of This Vaccine Side Effect, According to FDA


The vaccine trials excluded people with allergies.

Many people now wonder, how the researchers did not see the anaphylactic side effect during the trials? According to Pfizer’s experts, the trials were made on more than 44,000 volunteers, but they excluded people who had a history of severe allergic reactions from the trials.

See also: White House Warns States To ‘Roll Back’ Reopening.

As William Gruber, MD, senior vice president of vaccine clinical research and development at Pfizer, explained, they only excluded those individuals who had an allergic reaction to previous trials and vaccines, or individuals who had a hypersensitivity response to the first dose of the vaccine.

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5 thoughts on “People Should Be Wary of This Vaccine Side Effect, According to FDA”

    1. Based on your experience, people should get it.
      Based on the experience of those who’ve had bad reactions, they should not.
      I had Covid, I have antibodies, I don’t need to take that ‘vaccine’. And won’t.


    Of course, of all people they would be inserting Dr change- my- mind, his so called expertise,the dr of flip flopping information to suit his political affiliations,there is no way this guy can remain credible and there is no way I would believe the information regarding the vaccine,it is my body and I know it way better than any doctor or creators of a vaccine,they even list the ingredients that it contains which would be the same as a flu shot,many people I know have sever allergies to eggs.peanuts and for that reason opt out of yearly flu vaccines,unless a person has current health issues or is under the care of a doctor ,then consult with ones doctor as to their recommendations or if a person tests positive and other factors ,then the individual should decide and choose to vaccinate or not,they better not initiate government mandates or requirements for the American people,dominating over ones health and choices. It will not end well.


    I had a reaction to polyethylene glycol once when I had to drink it for a colonoscopy. My tongue swelled up. Should I take the vaccine? I am 68, have had covid way last winter before it was a pandemic. I am only on a BP med to slow heart rate but otherwise healthy. I have never had a surgery in my life.

  3. I’m one of those that had a very bad reaction to the first Pfizer shot. I was fine, had dinner and all and about 5 hrs. after the shot I just couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t get any air in my lungs at all. I went to the kitchen and got some table salt (I use this for asthma control) and poured a lot in my mouth. Finally I got to breathe some. Then I used my breathing machine with saline which finally cleared up my airway totally. I don’t know if I should ever get a booster shot. Will havee to talk to my dr. about that!!! It was scary but I never would have made it to the hospital in time!!! Just plain salt has a natural anti-histimine in it and works for me!!! (I can’t take any drugs).

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