What You Shouldn’t Do After Getting Vaccinated, According to Dr. Fauci

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It takes time until a vaccine becomes fully effective.

Anthony Fauci also wants people to know that the COVID vaccine takes time before it becomes fully effective and offers full protection against the virus, it doesn’t just happen overnight. It true that you can get some protection even after 10 days after vaccination, but Fauci wouldn’t recommend taking the risk.

Additionally, even though you got the vaccine, it’s also important to still follow all the safety measures meant to keep you safe, including wearing a face mask, social distancing, frequent hand washing and avoiding crowded places.

The Most Efficient Face Mask, According to Anthony Fauci. CLICK HERE to read more about this topic!

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20 thoughts on “What You Shouldn’t Do After Getting Vaccinated, According to Dr. Fauci”

  1. WELL, WELL since Dr. Faucis’ comments on this were not printed here , I will put my 2 cents in about the flip-flopping little puke,,, who now seems to be basking in the “LIMELIGHT OF THE BUFFOONS REGIME,” AND BY CIRCUMSTANCE OR A MIRACLE THE DEATH DEALING COVIG 19 IS SUBSIDING…. HMMM.

    1. Your mother must be so proud of you (NOT). I’m the mother of 4 grown men and proud of them. Now that I read your 2 cents. If you don’t have command of the Englsh language please don’t write anything else, I’m pleading with you. GOD BLESS Dr Fauci. Can you limit your writing to comic books??? Your statement is as dumb as the dirt you wrote.

      1. Patricia J Steely

        I So agree with you Kathy.
        What a horrible statement of untruth and horrific Language out of the mouth of Thomas.

    2. from your ignorant and vitriolic {look it up} remarks, sounds like you were there 1/6-at least, in spirit. follow your primitive instincts & don’t get vaccinated; let that shot go to a life worth saving. you don’t qualify. should you succumb to covid, it will simply be “thinning the herd’

    3. Patricia Ea McDonald

      Thomas, Who/what pooped in your Wheaties today? What a bitter person you are. I’m glad not to know you.

    4. Thomas you are an idiot you have been brain washed with conspiracies you would have been a dedicated follower of Jim Jones and would have drank the sick cool aid. Check reality! You might be suffering from paranoia, get some help! Not even the very educated Dr Fauci can help you!

    5. No worries, they are all most likely democrats. .Who believe anything the government tells them. Aw cute little slaves! or old as hell and do not understand shorthand no since of humor at all….ATTACK ATTACK

    6. Excuse me but are you truly this stupid? If you were to read on you could hear what the great man has to say. Let me ask, what would YOU have done in his shoes? Years and years of experience and knowledge only to have the worlds biggest idiot, next to you of course, decides he knows better than anyone. He spews out his ignorance and the weak minded follow. Thomas, open your eyes, stop watching all the media that’s so very fake, FOX, and maybe learn something.
      You see , the evil in this world is not reduced to the stupid Republicans or Democrats. There are no lizards wearing masks, what an imagination, and the aliens are right where they should be….far away from us. Lol. I hope someday you wake up, grow up and get some kindness in your life.

  2. This is STUPID … IF you want us to know what not to do, why do we have to read pages & pages & pages? Come on folks … it’s been hard enough on us already, don’t make it any harder!!! I, for one, am now opting out of “what not to do”. Too much time wasted.

  3. Well as usual the Trump hating Dems and liberals who swore they wouldn’t take Pres Trumps Warp Speed vaccine jumped at the chance to take the first doses regardless of age leaving the rest of us to wait. We do need some thinning of the herd but its definitely not the HARD working citizens of the U.S. Biden going to innoculate all the Illegals he is now letting in before Americans ? Probably now that him Pelosi Schmer and the rest have gotten theirs

  4. Let’s see, from page 2:
    “… medical experts want to inform those who were lucky enough to receive the vaccine in the early stages, that there are a few things that shouldn’t be done soon after. While it’s understandable that you would want to go back to your pre-pandemic life, it’s still important to understand that we’re not quite there yet.”
    So a few things shouldn’t be done soon after, and we’re not quite there yet.
    from page 3:
    As Anthony Fauci, MD, chief medical adviser to the White House has explained, people should wait a little more until going back to their old lives.
    So we need to wait a little more even if we are vaccinated.
    From page 4:
    Fauci said that “getting vaccinated does not mean now you have a free pass to travel, nor does it say you have a free pass to put aside all the public health measures that we talk about all of the time.”
    Ok, being vaccinated does not mean we can travel safely for ourselves and others. No mention of time frame here.
    From page 7:
    “Additionally, getting vaccinated “would give you as a group about a 94 to 95 percent efficacy,” he still wouldn’t recommend traveling right away. It isn’t wise to travel right now, and that will not change anytime soon. He suggests trying to wait a little longer until making travel plans. Therefore, until the COVID situation will improve, it would be better to say ‘no’ to travel.”
    So travel is not recommended “right away” or “right now”, which will not change “anytime soon”.
    We should “wait a little longer until making travel plans.”
    Wait a little longer before making travel plans? I though that travel was unwise, and that will not change anytime soon. Better to say no to travel. What happened to wait a little longer?
    From page 10:
    In fact, the U.S. State Department advised Americans to avoid traveling abroad these days and confirmed that new testing requirements will be put in place for passengers arriving into the United States by planes.
    Therefore, your plans might have to wait a little longer…
    So we should wait a little longer again, but actually not go at all.
    From page 11:
    “The new testing requirements won’t allow you to enter the United States if you won’t be able to provide a negative test result within three days of your flight.”
    If that is true than THIS is the main thing we need to know when considering travel. That would be the main thing that would affect us directly and cause the most difficulty. Do we know if we can get tested elsewhere, and would the result be provable to those who are checking? Where does the check occur? Who does the checking? So many basic, unanswered questions.
    From page 12:
    “… also urges people to cancel their travel plans if they’re not urgent or important and acknowledge that it will be very hard to come home if you are ‘stuck’ overseas.”
    So “wait a little longer before traveling” is the very polite way of saying, “If you travel now, you do it at your own risk and at the risk of others.”
    The reality is if you travel now you may not be able to get back into the US. How long that will be the case is not yet known.
    All the wait a little while comments are just there to soften the blow of the truth, that intercontinental air travel is not something that is possible to do in the foreseeable future. Being vaccinated does not mean we cannot get this disease, or cannot spread it to others, both can still happen.

  5. Emily Sterling

    Now Fauci is worried about spreading the virus when he and the Chinese government started it in the first place as an experiment. We deserve the truth. And Fauci should give full disclosure and accept punishment
    for his part in all of this. Wake up people.

    1. I can’t believe, how really stupid you and the other fools who still follow chump, and all the lies put out by the fools of the world.

  6. the illegals that come here work pay taxes dont get refunds dont get social security so they are building up our social security .with out them you wont be getting a check

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