9 Facebook Scams That Need to Be Taken More Seriously

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Fundraisers and fake charities usually happen after major tragedies (natural disasters, floods, cyclones, earthquakes and bushfires or a pandemic like we’re struggling with now) and take advantage of people’s generosity and compassion for those who need help. And the worst part is that many, many people fall for these kinds of scams, and believing they’re doing something good they’re actually donating money to a fake charity, depriving real fundraisers and charities of much needed donations.

While some of the fundraisers are real and legitimate, and the money will go to the people who need it, others are just scammers taking advantage of your generosity, says Levin.

By clicking a link sent by a scammer you could put malware into your device, or your money could go in the wrong pockets. Always do your research before choosing a charity, instead of just clicking on every link that appears on your Facebook profile, suggests Levin.

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