14 Photos You Should Have in Your Phone at All Times

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Computer serial number

“A serial number is a unique, identifying number or group of numbers and letters assigned to an individual piece of hardware or software,” reports Tim Fisher for Lifewire. “The idea behind serial numbers is to identify a specific item, much like how a fingerprint identifies a specific person. Instead of some names or numbers that specify a whole range of products, a serial number is intended to provide a unique number to one device at a time.”

Having your photo will make it easier to report if your device gets stolen. Also, if you’re calling for technical help, you’ll probably need this information, which is usually a printed microscopic type. Take a picture and zoom in instead of trying to find a magnifying glass or a pair of young eyes.

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5 thoughts on “14 Photos You Should Have in Your Phone at All Times”

  1. All good suggestions Except for bank account #s’ and routings…..
    If ones’ cell is hacked, you’ve just become broke.

  2. I don’t know about having all these things as photos on your phone. Lose your phone and they’re likely to be compromised. I have many of these items as entries in a encrypted password APP. Much safer….

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