Keep Safe! Use The SLOW Method!
You never know when any of these scammers will try to contact you, be it on the landline or even on your mobile phone! This is why you should always keep alert but also try to keep level-headed. Be it that you get a text, an email, or a phone call, you should always have the SLOW method in mind (and yes, it also implies that you have to be slow). The name is actually an acronym, and it can definitely help you when you feel overwhelmed.
S- Slow down
A lot of these scammers try to make you act on the spot by faking emergencies, so you should always keep in mind not to act rashly!
L- Log the contact
As much as you can, make sure you get their name and that you don’t lose their phone number. It happens that they will give you a fake name, but the phone number may lead to the person behind everything.
O- One call
This doesn’t mean you only have one call left. But since a lot of these scams revolve around something that has happened to a loved one, you should always make sure you spend those extra 5 minutes on a phone call with them. Not only will you be able to test that they’re fine and ease any worries, but you can also discuss the incident with them.
W- Who cares?
Definitely not you, since you can now identify any of these scams, but you should definitely call CAP (Consumers Assistance Program) to let them know about what happened. This could both lead to getting the scammer behind bars, but it could also mean that you could protect someone else that’s not so knowledgeable about these things!
As long as you keep in mind the SLOW Method, you should be good in any circumstance!
Read more about what you shouldn’t be doing on a plane here!