10 COVID-19 Myths You Have To Stop Believing

Image By Viacheslav Lopatin From Shutterstock

1. The COVID-19 vaccine ain’t safe.

There’s a rumor going around that because the vaccine came out in a relatively short time, it is not safe. That is false, as pharmaceutical companies spend millions of dollars and countless hours on research for these vaccines.

Moreover, in the United States, there are rigorous tests and studies made on the vaccines before they are resealed to the public. They also need to be FDA approved, so you can rest assured that all the COVID-19 vaccines are safe.

2. Pregnant women cannot get the COVID-19 shot.

Social media has spun a lot of stories about COVID-19 and the vaccines, but this one has spread around like wildfire. The people who were telling this story to everyone who stopped to listen were saying that the antibodies that you would have after the shot would attack the placenta and terminate pregnancies.

You can rest assured, there is no such thing, and scientific studies have shown that is not the case. Moreover, the CDC advises pregnant women to get the shot in order to prevent the baby from getting the virus.

3. If I got COVID-19 once I cannot get it again.

The coronavirus is similar to other viruses studied by scientists and they have found that it is possible to get it multiple times. If you contracted it and went through the virus, you will develop antibodies, but as it has been observed, the period in which you are immunized will not last more than 90 days.

Even so, you can still get it, or you can transmit it to others with whom you come in contact. If you had COVID-19, you can get it again so you have to keep following guidelines: wear a mask, wash your hands and avoid crowds to the best of your ability. Better safe than sorry.

4. If I have allergies I should not get the vaccines.

Very rarely it has happened that people went into anaphylaxis shock(a bad allergic reaction) from the COVID-19 vaccines. This happened because they were allergic to an additive in the mRNA vaccine and not because they had other types of allergies. If you have hay fever, food, metal, animal, or any other type of allergies, you can rest assured, you will not have an allergic reaction to the vaccine.

If you know yourself to have a medicine allergy, talk to your doctor or inform the medical staff at the vaccination center so they are prepared in case something happens.

5. I will get the virus from the vaccine.

This vaccine is made in a totally different way than the flu shot, which the people who have circulated this myth probably have in mind. None of the shots that are available contain the virus in any form, so it is impossible to get COVID-19 if you get vaccinated. The people who are saying this never bothered to do minimal research on how the vaccine is made.

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