New Year – Same Cringe Worthy People at Walmart!


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33 thoughts on “New Year – Same Cringe Worthy People at Walmart!”

  1. How is it that #16 &23 have not been arrested for indecent exposure. Bring back the boys with hip pants showing the top of their undies. At least they’re pretty much covered.

  2. I change into clean clothes, mix my make-up and hair before i go to shop at Walmart. Just think of all the effort and time I’v been wasting!

  3. Every season there’s a girl that shows up on night one and has way too much to drink. This year, that same girl came dressed in a shark costume. How do we know she was three sheets? Well, poor Alexis, who’s an aspiring dolphin trainer, thought she was in fact dressed as a dolphin. It’s a shark sweetie.

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