30 Fun & Interesting Facts About Christmas

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More than a billion and a half Americans still send out Christmas cards.

Did you know that around 1.6 billion Americans still send out Christmas cards each year? As data from Hallmark via The Atlantic shows, “Millennials represent nearly 20 percent of the dollars spent on greeting cards, and their spending is growing faster than that of any other generation.”


The lowest number of breakups was recorded on Christmas Day.

It’s not always easy to go through the holidays with a partner, as there are a lot of fights that can appear during the holiday season, but the lowest numbers of breakups have been recorded on the first day of Christmas. On the other hand, the weeks before Christmas are a totally different story.


Christmas Day is also the best time to propose.

According to wedding experts and social media data, the most popular days of the year to propose are Christmas Eve and Christmas Day notes The Washington Post. Additionally, according to the wedding app Bridebook, more than 10,000 proposals took placed during the holidays, in 2018.

Here are 25 Photos Full Of Christmas Spirit.

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Additionally, a large number of babies are conceived during the holidays.

The most common months for giving birth in the United States is September. If we do a little math, we can easily tell that the baby was conceived in the holiday season, when most couples are feeling happy and cozy.


The larger Christmas gift ever given was the Statue of Liberty.

The Statue of Liberty weighs more than 225 tons and is 150 feet tall, which makes it the largest Christmas gift ever given. It is considered a Christmas gift since it was received by the United States of America by France in 1886. With such a big Christmas gift, they probably needed a lot of wrapping paper and a very big ribbon.


Disney World is decorated each year with 8.5 million lights.

Most people like to visit Disney World during summer, but the true magic happens during winter, as you can see the most remarkable setup. In fact, Disney World is decorated each year with 8.5 million lights, 1,314 wreaths, 300,000 yards of ribbon, 150 truckloads of decorations and ornaments, and 1,400 trees.

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