The Most Haunted Places In the United States

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9. Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum, Weston, West Virginia

In 1864, the Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum opened its doors for patients. The Asylum reached its peak in the 1950s, when more than 2,400 patients were admitted, even though the maximum capacity of the facility was 250.

Therefore, 2,400 patients were forced to co-exist in cruel and inhumane conditions, including lack of heat, beds, and more individuals were kept in cages. The brutal conditions have made patients very violent, to the point where they started fires and killed staff members. The Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum was closed in 1994, but people still believe it is haunted by the tortured spirits of the hundreds of patients that have died there in a century. If you’re interested in seeing how the patients lived and died, there are guided tours available all year long.


10. Dock Street Theater, Charleston, South Carolina

Dock Street Theater is one of the oldest theaters in the United States. Besides being full of history, the theater is also known for its paranormal activity. A fire that took place in the early 1900s burned down the original theater. Soon after, the Planters Inn was built in the same place, becoming a theater in 1930.

People believe the theater is being haunted by Nettie Dickerson, a female that died in the fire on the second floor. Since then, several people have confirmed seeing her ghost gliding along the second floor, and as described by all of them, she was wearing a red dress.

Make sure to also read the 20 Spooky Places From Around The World – You Have Been Warned!

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