Top 10 Crazy Elvis-Is-Alive Theories


5. Elvis is in Argentina Under Witness Protection

Shortly after Elvis’s unexpected death, there were several people claiming that they saw him checking into a Memphis airport under the name John Burrows. This name was an alias he was said to have used many times throughout his career.

The plane was set for Argentina and an Argentinian military member once claimed that a Pan Am flight did land there in 1977. The fact that Elvis had a relationship with the American government and a Bureau of Narcotics badge was very well-known by many people when an attempt to infiltrate a criminal organization called “The Fraternity” went sour. Elvis was discovered to be a mole for the government and some people are sure that he was quickly escorted out of the country because he was not safe there anymore.

6. Elvis Is At Home, Kickin’ It By The Pool

Yes, you read correctly. There was a debate in 1978 surrounding a photograph that was taken by a poolside in Graceland. The photograph showed a pool house screen door with a familiar face lurking behind it.

The photograph became very popular, it even made it on CNN, making Larry King and several other people involved to discuss over and over again its legitimacy. The photograph was taken by Mike Joseph who claimed initially that it is The King in flesh and bones.

However, he later addressed his previous statement saying that he had met with two of Elvis’s good friends who confirmed that Elvis wasn’t the one in the photograph, but one of his cousins, Jimmy, whom Elvis never had a good relationship with.

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