Chacho’s World Taco Eating Championship
Another taco eating competition! However, this one contains no unusually textured ingredients.
This one you may have heard about before, as it is the hometown of one of the most well-known competitive food eaters in the world: Mathew Stonie. This world taco-eating championship was held at Chacho’s restaurant in San Jose, which is known for having amazing tacos. They also organize a festival, and one year they also held this insane championship.
Compared to other foods, tacos are fairly easy to eat, and back in 2015, Mathew Stonie ate 101 of them in only 8 minutes, earning him a world record!
Big Texan Steak Ranch 72-ounce Steak Challenge
If all the other ones on our list made it sound impossible to compete in, even for fun, this one might just be a fun challenge for the ones of you out there that are fascinated by this space. The Big Texan Steak Ranch has a challenge that involves a 72-ounce piece of steak, priced at a whopping $72!
Sure, it is pricey, but you are also getting a lot of food for that amount. The catch is that, if you manage to eat all of it in the one-hour time slot they give you, you do not have to pay a dime! But you cannot share it with others and you have to eat the complete meat: yes, including the side dishes. It may not sound like you can do it, but it would be a fun challenge that wouldn’t break the bank like others out there.
And if you can’t finish it, you can always get the leftovers to go! Molly Shuyler surprised everyone when she managed to eat it all in 20 minutes! The more surprising thing is that this mother of four weighs only 120 pounds herself and no one thought she could do it. Who knows? Maybe you’re one of the next ones to win this challenge.
Read all about the most dangerous festivals in the world and the devastating outcomes they had here!