#1 Sometimes The Jokes Can Also Be Educational
We have to commend this church, as this sign is amazing. They will deter people who would end up honking for no reason in front of their church (and people who can’t take a joke like this are pretty sad). However, they also remind you not to text and drive. The sign is hilarious, and they have to be applauded for their idea.
3 thoughts on “10 Of The Funniest Church Signs Ever”
Love it just made my Sunday
A great deal rests on where you place your punctuation and emphasis. . . . With a minor change in punctuation (especially since there is none actually on this sign,) you could read this as:
“Church Parking”
“Only Violators will be Baptized.”
Now THAT I find funny 😄 😆 🤣
Keep them coming made my day. I always knew Jesus had a sense of humor