#5 You HAVE To Get A Second Opinion
Sometimes you have to get someone else to look at your sign. Clifton Baptist Church definitely should, if they don’t want to change the person in charge of the sign. Otherwise, you may end up with a sign like the one above that, while funny in retrospect, says a lot that you wouldn’t actually want to be displayed for everyone to see. Not to mention that you can’t really use baptism as something threatening…
Either way, it seems like not many people can park at this church!
3 thoughts on “10 Of The Funniest Church Signs Ever”
Love it just made my Sunday
A great deal rests on where you place your punctuation and emphasis. . . . With a minor change in punctuation (especially since there is none actually on this sign,) you could read this as:
“Church Parking”
“Only Violators will be Baptized.”
Now THAT I find funny 😄 😆 🤣
Keep them coming made my day. I always knew Jesus had a sense of humor