Americans sent Fauci a lot of emails searching for an answer to their problems
As previously mentioned, Fauci became a face we trusted in really fast, since the virus emerged in the United States. Even though he had his fair share of criticism throughout time, we can’t deny the fact that he was a reliable man of science, considering the fact that the Trump administration used to make decisions based on politics.
As previously mentioned, Anthony Fauci received a lot of emails from everyday Americans, with very specific questions. And yes, Fauci did answer their questions.
In fact, someone who was planning a scientific conference in July 2020 asked Fauci for predictions, wanting to know what effects will the virus have and whether the conference should be canceled or not.
“There is no way of knowing for sure. I would wait until May and see what the dynamics of the outbreak are globally and make your decision then whether or not to cancel,” Fauci replied.
Make sure to also check: Herd Immunity Is Not Our Goal With COVID-19 Anymore, Fauci Explains.