Anthony Fauci receives LOTS of emails per day, and he responds to almost everyone
As Anthony Fauci mentioned in a recent interview with the Post, he gets around 1,000 emails a day, which is definitely a lot. As he shared in the interview, people write him with a large variety of questions, mainly because they are concerned or confused or have questions related to the outbreak.
He also added that he has a reputation for always answering people’s questions, especially when they need help, and he will continue to do so even though it takes a lot of time. Fauci received emails from both normal, everyday Americans, and people in positions of power as well.
Additionally, some people wrote him just to thank him for everything he’s done with this crisis and how he handled the outbreak. One man wrote to let him know that he always did a great job, even though he seemed to know him since he called him Tony.
Fauci thanked him for his note and wished him good health. He was also asked by one doctor if smoking has a negative impact on those that contract the virus. Fauci answered in a couple of minutes saying that smoking is bad under any circumstance, not just with COVID-19.
He even receives emails from regular individuals with no scientific or medical training, offering suggestions and ideas related to the outbreak, asking Fauci to look into it. He usually replies to those as well, thanking them for their note.
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