What The Most Severe COVID Cases Had in Common, According to CDC Study

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Cancer and blood disorders.

We all know how ugly cancer can get and how many people die from it annually, however, things can become even worse for cancer patients who get infected with COVID-19. The type of cancer is a very important factor in determining how severe your COVID-19 symptoms might be, and the type of treatment you’re receiving is also essential.

Why Men Are More Likely to Die From COVID-19 Than Women. CLICK HERE to read more!

Another condition that increases the chances of becoming severely ill from COVID-19 is sickle cell anemia. This condition makes your red blood cells become hard, shaped like the letter ‘C’, and very sticky, which will make it very hard for the oxygen to be transported around your body. These cells usually die early, which might contribute to painful blockages in the blood vessels.

Thalassemia is another blood disorder that could contribute to developing severe COVID symptoms, as your body won’t be able to produce enough hemoglobin, impacting the way your body can carry oxygen.

Read also: What You Need To Do To Stop COVID-19, According To Fauci. 

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