40 Times When People Were Total Jerks

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12 thoughts on “40 Times When People Were Total Jerks”

  1. Carolyn Staggs

    They are all equally disgusting. What is wrong with people? Don’t parents teach their children manners and respect for other people’s property anymore? There are good people and there are bad people but unfortunately there are too many bad. Yuk!!!!!

    1. Look at how many were adults (well persons over the age of 18). That is why so many of our youth today have absolutely no respect. Unfortunately, they have to be “self-taught” which is so sad.

    2. Phil McCrackin

      Every person(persons) in the aforementioned stories needs to be sterilized. That will ensure fewer Republicans in the world.

  2. Some of these could get people arrested. I have to confess I once left a mess on the table of a fast food restaurant. There was very little business and the workers were wiping over the counters and practically leaving holes in the counter. So I just left the stuff on the table so they would have something to do.

  3. So rude and untrained as being respectful and decent. But in a society where one wears their pants below their rump with the rump hanging out bare, totally shows no respect even for themselves.

    Number seven really super gross.

  4. People just have no sense of pride in what they do, where they are, nor who see’s them. Jerks is a mild word for people like this, especially those in a public place like a restaurant! Just plain outright disgusting! I raised my children to treat others like you would like to be treated, leave where you are the way it was when you arrived, sometimes they cleaned even better, and always, always be respectful!

  5. Angela Dellagatto

    I’ve always been known for my blunrness. More than half of these incidents would have never happened because I would have spoke up and told people to get off their ass and do the right thing

  6. Angela Dellagatto

    I’ve always been known for my bluntness. More than half of these incidents would have never happened because I would have spoke up and told people to get off their ass and do the right thing

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