The Most Famous Ghost Towns Around the Globe

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11. Garnet, Montana

Garnet is an old mining town that dates from the 1860s and is currently the best-preserved ghost town in the world. It is situated in a remote valley located at the head of First Chance Creek, 6,000 feet up in a pine-forested offering spectacular sightseeings of mountains east of Missoula.

The town was once home to 1,000 people in the early 19th century, and now all that has remained are a few leaning log cabins. It is definitely a peaceful place, with an isolated feel to it, however, more than 16,000 tourists visit it annually. Garnet is also known as being a haunted ghost town.

The city was abandoned in 1910 when the gold ran out, followed by a fire that destroyed half the town. That part was never rebuilt. If you’re interested in exploring Garnet, it will cost you only $3. There are campgrounds nearby for those who want an overnight experience.

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