No activity
The other end of the spectrum is a low activity or no activity at all. Some businesses start a Facebook page and post a few articles or videos expecting that will be enough to sustain interest. But if there’s no further input, the followers you do gain will become bored with it.
Keep in mind that people won’t talk about your company unless you properly engage them. Larger companies may hire social media managers, but small companies should set aside enough time to devote to social media marketing. This is a precondition of success in today’s digital world – you can no longer be a successful marketer without utilizing social media.
Some things you can do to attract customers include finding popular hashtags and joining the conversation on Instagram. Another example entails making your own videos, and coming up with insights to add to Twitter conversations. Whatever you do, you should always focus on what your audience enjoys, whether it be jokes, memes, or photos. Again – play with the content and amuse your customers.