6 Funniest Excuses People Used To Get Away From Responsibilities

Image By Olena Yakobchuk From Shutterstock

1. Ressurection

It’s always a devastating moment when you hear of a death in a family. And most employers will be emphatic and they will give you some days off to deal with everything and be able to mourn. However, some people take things a bit too far and use family passing away as an excuse to get a few days off!

Things took a turn when the owner of a store had to call their newest employee to ask her why she did not show up to work that day. They were told that the girl’s mom had passed away and she would need some time off, which was granted to her immediately. When the girl had not appeared back to work after a week, the owner called again. Only to be told two pieces of news: one good and one bad! The good one was that the mom had come back from the dead, but, here comes the bad news, she was sick and the employee had to take care of her.

Can you imagine lying at your new job about your mom passing away only to turn around and say she came back to life? And then have the audacity to ask for more free days? People should realize when their lies are taken it too far…

2. Illicit affairs

There are people who avoid mentioning certain things on their security clearance. But what they do not realize is that the federal agents will look into them anyways. Imagine the surprise of this federal agent when talking to a young man: they found that he had been arrested for speeding a few years before. The man just did not mention it on his application. The reason? He did not think it counted.

When questioned further, he revealed the reason for which he did not think his arrest counted: because he did not have a driver’s license back then! Not only did he drive recklessly, but he was also not allowed to drive at the time. We doubt his security clearance went very well with the new info the agent had to find out by themselves.

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