6 Funniest Excuses People Used To Get Away From Responsibilities

Image By Sucharas Wongpeth From Shutterstock

3. Furnace problems

Imagine you not only have an inside joke with your family, but you guys also have a secret code for when you do not want to attend certain events. This is what happened to this family from Minnesota. One year they heard the dad apologize to someone over a phone call that they will not be able to attend the outing he was invited to (which they absolutely did not want to go to), because their furnace filter needed to be replaced. Such a shame no?

It had evolved over the years and now the whole family uses that exact same excuse whenever they really do not want to do something! So clever! Also probably really annoying when your kids use that excuse on you because they do not want to have dinner with the extended family.

Sometimes a blessing can also be a curse! Everyone will know you have no intention of going somewhere.

4. Gotta grab something really fast

Did any coworker ever say they’re going to be back soon, just cover for them, and then they disappear for hours? Yeah, it’s happened to us too. There is something fishy when someone says they will grab something really fast and be back soon. But this oil rig owner did not expect this outcome.

One of his workers told him that they were going to go home and grab a warmer coat because of the cold weather in North Dakota. What the man did not expect was for the man to disappear for days. He did get a call from the man who informed him he was finally home. Where was home more exactly? Sunny Texas. The man went back home to Texas, not just around the block after his jacket.

Technically he did not fully lie, but semantics really helped him.

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