10 Funniest Tombstone Messages

Image By Alex Millauer From Shutterstock

Merv Griffin

Jeopardy has become a universally loved show and the obsession with answering the questions that stump everyone has become a great after-dinner way to lose track of time! You have Merv Griffin to thank for that! He was not only the host of the show (which aired between 1962 and 1986) but also its creator. And it was not his only hit, as he also created Wheel of Fortune!

But the man was a genius when it came to presenting and the joke around him has been that he wanted one specific phrase inscribed on his gravestone: “I will not be right back after this message.”, in order to make light of the one he had to say when commercials started. The man passed in 2007 and this is precisely what he got on the tombstone. We cannot think of a more iconic saying for this man!

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8 thoughts on “10 Funniest Tombstone Messages”

  1. The funniest I have seen is at the Tombstone Cemetery, in Tombstone AZ. It goes something like this:
    “Here lies Les Moore. Cut down from two slugs from a .44. No Les, no more”

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