9 Ridiculous Joe Biden Moments

Image By Matt Smith Photographer From Shutterstock

9. Indian donuts

Biden’s second presidential run was not without fail, but some of the things you saw in the recent 2020 presidential run, it is more than possible that it has happened before. In 2006, when he had his second-ever presidential run, he showed his racial insensitivity that showed it’s head also in 2020.

When in Delaware, he said that because there is a big influx of immigrants from India, you cannot order unless you have a slight Indian accent. He made sure to emphasize that he is not joking when he said that. Yeah, it was not a good look.

And you can imagine that the Indian-American community did not take it lightly, as it is indeed very demeaning. Not only is it a stereotypical statement, but it also generated a lot of embarrassment for the poor people he talked about. 

As you know by now, his second presidential run was not successful. We just hope he learned something from all of these, as, despite what some believe, he does not have a spotless record. He is human after all.

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3 thoughts on “9 Ridiculous Joe Biden Moments”

  1. How about some ridiculous things the previous president did or said?? (I think you may need a few paragraphs to cover it all🤣

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