9 Ridiculous Joe Biden Moments

Image By Crush Rush From Shutterstock

4. “Articulate, bright and clean”

This one was definitely not President Joe Biden’s proudest moment. This was well back in 2007, right before the 2008 primaries started. In an interview, Joe Biden, back then aged 65, commented on his opponent and future president Barack Obama, in a way that he potentially hoped to be a compliment. However, it ended up being tone-deaf and quite offensive.

“I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean” was what he said and as much as we can try to excuse it, this was a painful reminder that Joe Biden’s generation was indeed painfully racist and relied on stereotypes. Despite the ridiculousness of Biden’s statement, Obama took it in stride and said he did not take it personally. If anything, it helped bring the future 44th president more into the limelight before the primaries.

We do hope president Biden learned that historical inaccuracies are not the way to go when commenting about someone.

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3 thoughts on “9 Ridiculous Joe Biden Moments”

  1. How about some ridiculous things the previous president did or said?? (I think you may need a few paragraphs to cover it all🤣

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