#10 Make sure you’re not letting go of any angry employees ! You may regret it
This restaurant definitely bit the bullet with this one, but their embarrassment is our joy. Sometimes these chain stores do come up with quite lousy products, but in the end, they do come out on top! Not only are these chain restaurants coming up with very bizarre things every few months, but sometimes they are actually pretty bad.
We’re not sure if the person who wrote this sign was actually angry because they were laid off or not, but one thing is for sure! They were very angry and ended up writing this hilarious sign that we can all enjoy now!
And if you’re craving some more funny signs, you’re not going to believe what some churches put up in front of their places of worship!
6 thoughts on “10 Restaurant Signs That Are Beyond Hilarious”
It was never meant to be a career !!
Reminds me of a sign I saw years ago outside a restaurant in Oregon or northern California at the end of a row of businesses just before the street turned into the country highway:
Eat Here or We Both Starve
I couldn’t get past #2…bucket, and still puzzling on that.
Yes hilarious
I suspect this was deliberate. Used that instead of “penny.”
Don’t be so serious! It’s actually funny! 😆