#5 When in doubt… Recycle!
There’s nothing wrong with repeating a joke or two when you are trying to get people to come by. Even repeated offers are sometimes worth it. After all, if they didn’t bring in customers, then pubs would stop doing happy hours or buy one get one free nights! However, this Taco Bell seemed to have missed its mark.
If your offer has expired, then you should take down the sign, rather than add to it! This doesn’t end up being recycled, but rather it puts you in a bad light. There’s nothing worse than a sad customer!
6 thoughts on “10 Restaurant Signs That Are Beyond Hilarious”
It was never meant to be a career !!
Reminds me of a sign I saw years ago outside a restaurant in Oregon or northern California at the end of a row of businesses just before the street turned into the country highway:
Eat Here or We Both Starve
I couldn’t get past #2…bucket, and still puzzling on that.
Yes hilarious
I suspect this was deliberate. Used that instead of “penny.”
Don’t be so serious! It’s actually funny! 😆