Have you ever wondered if people’s lives are as good as they seem? Because most often than not, people put up fronts just so they can avoid uncomfortable situations, or they just do not want to talk about what they are going through. And while you and I have this luxury, for celebrities it is another thing altogether. From being followed everywhere by paparazzi that hope to exploit them by taking pictures of everything they do, to overzealous fans harassing them on the streets for pictures and autographs, it seems like celebrities cannot catch a break.
This is even more apparent when tragedy strikes their families. While it does help to remember that they are human just like we are, and not some stars far removed from humanity as scandal magazines, we do not wish for anyone to lose a child. It is one of the most harrowing experiences and we extend our condolences and prayers to everyone going through something like this. Yet, we cannot help that little voice in our heads that is curious to know which celebrities lost members of their families and how.
Let us know if you knew these celebrities have outlived some of their children!