11 American Products Other Countries Consider Weird

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Red Solo cups

If you’re from the United States, you’re probably used to seeing red solo cups everywhere you go, since they’re very popular in the American culture and we use them for parties, gatherings, and other events.

They became even more Americanized after Toby Keith recorded an ode to them back in 2011. Therefore, when you think about red solo cups, you instantly think of the United States. However, people outside America do not understand why we’re so obsessed with them.

According to Slate, the cup’s “opacity is a selling point for underage college and high-school drinkers who would prefer not to reveal exactly what they’re sipping.”

Additionally, it’s very unlikely that you’re going to see these cups anywhere outside America. Maybe only when people across the world are trying to host American-themed parties, so they obviously use our trademark cups.

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