30 Bad Habits That Make You Overweight

Ask any diet expert what they think about fiber, and they’ll likely explain that it’s an imperative part of any weight-loss goal. So, if you tend to skimp on the nutrient—like by purchasing white bread products—it could explain why you’ve been packing on the pounds. Refined wheat flours, like white bread, pizza, pasta, and bagels, have been stripped of their slow-digesting fiber, which means your body can break down what you just consumed very quickly. And the faster your body digests these foods, the faster your blood sugar levels rise, which leads to spikes in your insulin levels and ends with fat accumulation. According to multiple studies published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, those who consume the most refined grains have the most amount of belly fat and largest mean BMI and waist circumference, whereas those who eat the most high-fiber, whole grain foods have the lowest amounts of belly fat.
Eat This! Tip:
We know change is hard, but making the switch to whole grain is well worth it. Find fiber in all of your foods. Adding berries like raspberries and blueberries to your morning oats is a smart move. Fruits like these carry over 6 grams of the belly-filling stuff per cup. Not to mention, they’re low in sugar and filled with flavor. “According to research from Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, eating foods rich in soluble fiber, like oatmeal (one of the 25 Best Carbs for Weight Loss), apples, and beans, can reduce belly fat,” says registered dietitian nutritionist Jennifer McDaniel.
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