10 Things You SHOULD NEVER Do On a Plane

woman feeling sick on plane
Image By mstandret From Envato Elements

If you feel unwell, say something!

If you are scared of flying or you don’t feel well, you should always tell the flight attendants. Be it that you are having a panic attack, you are feeling lightheaded, or something doesn’t feel right, you should let the crew know. Keeping it to yourself is a major NO, no matter how embarrassing you may think it is.

The flight attendants generally have the training and equipment to help you, and you can never know if it might develop into something more serious. Better to have someone helping you than to suffer in silence.

Did you buy alcohol duty-free? You cannot drink it on board! Same with personal alcohol bottles.

It is a rule on all planes that you cannot open alcoholic drinks you bought from the airport on the flight. It doesn’t matter that you paid for it, it is in the rules that you agreed to when you boarded. It’s okay if you didn’t know, but if the crew tells you to not do it, you shouldn’t insist.

Moreover, some people think they are being sly, and they aren’t seen by the flight attendants when they drink those little bottles of alcohol they brought with them. They see you, and other passengers will end up snitching on you too. Drinking alcohol you brought on the flight when you know it’s prohibited, may lead to you getting banned from flying with the airline. So it is truly not worth it.

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