10 Things You SHOULD NEVER Do On a Plane

man sleeping in plane
Image By astrakanimages From Envato Elements

Be careful with the sleep medication you take on flights! Better to avoid them. 

This doesn’t mean we encourage you to skip taking your medication! But rather that you should let the flight attendants know if you take any sleep medications especially if you are on a long flight. It may not seem like a big deal to you, but you generally don’t know what you look like when you are asleep.

If you are in deep sleep after taking sleeping medication, you may look passed out to the flight attendants. This can cause panic when you don’t gain consciousness if they try to wake you up, and possibly create a scene. Of course, if you are with someone, they can explain what is going on. But generally, if you don’t desperately need drowsy medications, you should not take them while on the flight. If you do have to, let the crew know.

Wipe the back seat tray!

We all think that the people who were in the seat before us used the seat tray for drinks, maybe to hold a book, a laptop, a snack, or a tablet. Nothing crazy right? We are here to ruin your dreams, as people use those trays for all sorts of things: from sleeping and drooling over them, to changing a baby’s diaper in a pinch.

It’s good practice to have a packet of antibacterial wipes with you and wipe the back seat tray before you use it. Skipping this may expose you to more germs than you expect.

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