10 Of The Funniest Church Signs Ever

Image Courtesy of Pinterest

#3 Snow Haters

If your state experiences snow as part of its winter, then you can bet that every kid out there has been praying for it to snow! Despite it being true or just a figure of speech, sometimes it seems like everyone added their prayer to the jar and God gave everyone enough snow to last for decades. You know it’s gotten bad when even the church tells you to stop praying for something.

Maybe they weren’t as fond of the snow as all the kids who got a ton of free days from school to play in it.

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3 thoughts on “10 Of The Funniest Church Signs Ever”

  1. A great deal rests on where you place your punctuation and emphasis. . . . With a minor change in punctuation (especially since there is none actually on this sign,) you could read this as:
    “Church Parking”
    “Only Violators will be Baptized.”

    Now THAT I find funny 😄 😆 🤣

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