#2 What type of dressing?
McDonald’s might have served over 99 billion people, but with such advertisements, they may never serve another salad ever again! And, while their chicken salad is tasty, we can’t say the same for their dressing. Since they seem to have changed up their recipe, instead of the normal vinegar or yogurt dressing, they have changed this vinaigrette!
Still, we cannot help but wonder what the man’s dressing might have been…
6 thoughts on “10 Restaurant Signs That Are Beyond Hilarious”
It was never meant to be a career !!
Reminds me of a sign I saw years ago outside a restaurant in Oregon or northern California at the end of a row of businesses just before the street turned into the country highway:
Eat Here or We Both Starve
I couldn’t get past #2…bucket, and still puzzling on that.
Yes hilarious
I suspect this was deliberate. Used that instead of “penny.”
Don’t be so serious! It’s actually funny! 😆