9 Ridiculous Joe Biden Moments

Image By Spike Johnson From Shutterstock

1. Slang used in the wrong context

Even though Joe Biden has admitted to being a gaffe machine, with the types of things he spewed over the years, this one that starts our list shows just how the new president still has to learn a thing or two about what is appropriate to say or not. In a 2019 debate with Kamala Harris, he used slang in the wrong context and did more damage than the good he intended.

As they were discussing the fact that he was opposed to racially integrating schools, he used the phrase “gangbangers” when he talked about children who wear hoodies. Not only is it bad to refer to children with terms relating to this type of slang, but as much as he tried to dispel a stereotype, he somehow managed to reinforce it. 

Joe Biden should not need something like this to teach him the lesson that using such words is not appropriate, but here we are. We hope he’s learned this lesson well.

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3 thoughts on “9 Ridiculous Joe Biden Moments”

  1. How about some ridiculous things the previous president did or said?? (I think you may need a few paragraphs to cover it all🤣

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