10 Songs Banned For Utterly Stupid Reasons

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Adele -“Rolling in the Deep”

And now you might wonder, what’s wrong with this song? Since is one of Adele’s most popular songs that people all over the world know the lyrics to. When Adele released the song in 2010, many radio stations censored certain parts of it because certain words appeared to be vulgar.

For instance, the lyric “Go ahead and sell me out and I’ll lay your ship bare,” was very confusing to a lot of people, since they didn’t know if Adele wanted to use the word ‘ship’ or ‘shit.’ While online lyrics offered the word ‘ship,’ radio stations still chose to censor it due to ambiguity.

Adele later changed the word into ‘stuff’ just because she wanted to avoid confusion. Additionally, another lyric from the very popular song, the line “reaching the fever pitch” was also censored because the word ‘pitch’ was mistaken with another similar word, with a different first letter.

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