As of April 23, the state of Virginia will also resume administering the Jenssen COVID-19 vaccine, as the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) announced in a press release. According to Danny Avula, MD, Virginia State Vaccination Coordinator, the review of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine will hopefully make people more confident about its safety.
Avula also added that it’s important for people to be informed and read about the potential side effects that can appear after each vaccine, so they know what to expect. He also urges people to get vaccinated as soon as possible in an attempt to stop the spread of the virus.
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As of April 24, the Johnson & Johnson can be administered again in Washington, according to a statement released by the Washington State Department of Health. The statement also mentioned that there are now three vaccines available for people to choose from.
If you’re still now certain when it comes to the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, you can always opt for one of the other two, Pfizer and Moderna. The J&J situation will continue to be monitored and there will be frequent updates, so there’s absolutely no need for people to worry.
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee also added that there are way more benefits that come with the Jenssen vaccine than there are risks. The goal is to avoid severe COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, and this is exactly what the Jenssen vaccine will do.
Inslee also urged people to get whatever vaccine is available for them at that time.
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