The 40 Lies Everyone Tells on a Daily Basis


21. “The subway broke down.”

We know when this statement is valid to how genuinely exasperated you are. If it did break down, you wouldn’t stop talking about it. However, like the traffic lie, it’s an efficient way to cover up your scheduling screw. This also has the advantage of giving the person you ‘re offering an excuse for something they can commiserate with you about. Instead of giving you a death stare for being late, they ‘re more likely to respond with their own horror story on the subway.


22. “It’s my last one.”

Even if it’s something as small as gum, you know it’s arrogant not to offer a little of what you’ve got to a friend or even a stranger in need. But for whatever reason, you can just help yourself from being selfish, so you’re acting like you’re all out— and just hope the person you ‘re asking doesn’t see you trying to grab another gum in an hour.

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