10 Things You Won’t Believe People Are Actually Terrified Of

Image By Ali Sekeroglu From Shutterstock


Aquaphobia is the fear of water, one likely stemming from a fear of drowning, and when surrounded by a large body of water, it is understandable to be a little anxious because if your boat suddenly starts sinking you know you’re going to be in trouble (Thalassophobia is a fear of the ocean or deep, open water). However, there is another water based phobia that is a little more troubling, especially for those around this sufferer. Ablutophobia, the fear of washing, bathing or cleaning yourself.

We have all encountered people whose personal hygiene is sorely lacking, but in some cases this might actually be someone suffer from this condition. Not wanting to bathe likely has its roots in a childhood trauma that involved a water based accident or suffering abuse as a child that involved water or bathing.


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