Top 9 Famous People That Were Related And Still Got Married

Photo by Everett Collection from

 Edgar Allan Poe and Virginia Clemm (married)

One of the most iconic writers in American history, and one of the first to be paid for his writings, decided to marry his sweetheart (who was just 13 years old at the time!!!) when he was 27 years old. The thing is, she was also his cousin. But 179 years ago, marrying your underage first cousin wasn’t considered wrong in any way.

Her mother was against their marriage, due to their age difference and his financial situation. However, they eloped to Baltimore on September 22, 1835, and tied the knot there. Poe and Clemm never had any children and never alluded to anything about their chemistry in their letters. They had a kind, devoted bond.

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2 thoughts on “Top 9 Famous People That Were Related And Still Got Married”

  1. The way I understand Rudy’s and Regina family relationship is not second cousins but first cousins once removed. If Regina had a child, that child and Rudy would be second cousins. Help me understand the connection if I am incorrect.

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